Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/18

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ſhe deſired, ſhe perceiv’d that each of ’em had a Ring on his Finger, which ſhe demanded of ’em. As ſoon as ſhe receiv’d them, ſhe went and took a Box out of the Bundle where her Toilet was, pull’d out a String of other Rings of all forts, which ſhe ſhew’d them, and ask’d them if they knew what thoſe Jewels meant: No, ſay they, we hope you will be pleas’d to tell us. Theſe are, replies ſhe, the Rings of all the Men to whom I have granted my Favour. Theſe are full fourſcore and eighteen of ’em, which I keep as Tokens to remember them; and I ask’d yours for the ſame Reaſon, to make up my hundred. So that, continues ſhe, I have had an hundred Gallants already, notwithſtanding the Vigilance of this wicked Genie, that never leaves me. He is much the nearer for locking me up in this Glaſs-Box, and hiding me in the Bottom of the Sea: I find a Way to cheat him for all his Care. You may ſee by this, that when a Woman has form’d a Project, there’s no Husband or Gallant that can hinder her putting it in Execution. Men had better not put their Wives under ſuch Reſtraint, if they have a mind they ſhould be chaſte. Having ſpoke thus to them, ſhe put their Rings upon the ſame String with the reſt, and ſitting her down by the Monſter, as before, laid his Head again upon her Lap, and made a Sign for the Princes to be gone.

They return’d immediately by the ſame way they came, and when they were out of Sight of the Lady and the Genie, Schahriar ſays to Schahzenan; Well, Brother, what do you think of this Adventure? Has not the Genie a very faithful Miſtreſs? And don’t you agree that there’s no Wickedneſs equal to that of Women? Yes, Brother, anſwers the King of Great Tartary; and you muſt alſo agree,that the Monſter is more unfortunate, and has more Reaſon to complain than we. Therefore, ſince we have found what we ſought for, let’s return to our Dominions, and let not this hinder us to marry again. For my part, I know a Method by which I think I ſhall keep inviolable the Faith that any Wife ſhall plight to me. I will ſay no more of it at preſent, but you will hear of it in a little Time, and I am ſure you will follow my Example, The Sultan agreed
