Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/54

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( 48 )

took you: And then I will build a Houſe upon the Bank, where I will dwell to give Notice to all Fiſhermen, who come to throw in their Nets, to beware of ſuch a wicked Genie as thou art, who haſt made an Oath to kill him that ſhall ſet thee at Liberty.

The Genie, enrag’d at thoſe Expreſſions, did all he could to get out of the Veſſel again, but it was not poſſible for him to do it; for the Impreſſion of Solomon’s Seal prevented him: So perceiving that the Fiſherman had got the Advantage of him, he thought fit to diſſemble his Anger. Fiſherman, ſays he, in a pleaſant tone, take heed you don’t do what you ſay; for what I ſpoke to you before, was only by way of Jeſt, and you are to take It no otherwiſe. O Genie! replies the Fiſherman, thou who waſt but a Moment ago, the greateſt of all Genies , and now art the leaſt of ’em, thy crafty Diſcourſe will ſignifie nothing to thee, but to the Sea thou ſhalt return: If thou haſt ſtay’d there already ſo long as thou haſt told me, thou may’ſt very well ſtay there till the Day of Judgment. I begg’d of thee in God’s Name, not to take away my Life, and thou didſt reject my Prayers; I am obliged to treat you in the ſame manner.

The Genie omitted nothing that could prevail upon the Fiſherman: Open the Veſſel, ſays he, give me my Liberty, I pray thee, and I promiſe to ſatisfie thee to thy own Content. Thou at a meer Traitor, replies the Fiſherman, I ſhould deſerve to loſe my Life, it I be ſuch a Fool as to truſt thee; thou wilt not ſail to treat me in the ſame manner, as a certain Grecian King treated the Phyſician Douban. Its a Story I have a mind to tell thee, therefore liſten to it.

The Story of the Grecian King and the Phyſician Douban.

THere was in the Country of Zouman, in Perſia, a King, whoſe Subjects were originally Greeks. This King was all over Leprous, and his Phyſicians in vain endeavour’d his Cure ; and when they were at their Wits end
