Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/55

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what to preſcribe to him, a very able Phyſician, called Douban, arriv’d at his Court.

This Phyſician had learn’d his Science in Greek, Perſian, Turkiſh, Arabian, Latin, Syriac and Hebrew Books; and beſides that, he was an expert Philoſopher, he fully underſtood the good and bad Qualities of all Sorts of Plants and Drugs. As ſoon as he was inform’d of the King’s Diſtemper, and underſtood that his Phyſicians had giv’n him over, he clad himſelf the beſt he could, and found a way to preſent himſelf to the King. Sir, ſays he, I know that all your Majeſty’s Phyſicians have not been able to cure you of the Leproſy, but if you will do me the Honour to accept my Service, I will engage my ſelf to cure you without Drenches, or external Applications.

The King liſten’d to what he ſaid, and anſwer’d, if you be able to perform what you promiſe, I will enrich you and your Poſterity; and beſides the Preſents I ſhall make you, you ſhall be my chief Favourite. Do you aſſure me then, that you will cure me of my Leproſy, without making me take any Potion, or applying any external Medicine? Yes, Sir, replies the Phyſician, I promiſe my ſelf Succeſs, through God’s Aſſiſtance, and to-morrow I will make trial of it.

The Phyſician return’d to his Quarters, and made a Mallet, hollow within, and at the Handle he put in his Drugs: He made alſo a Ball, in ſuch a manner as ſuited his Purpoſe, with which, next Morning, he went to preſent himſelf before the King, and ſalling down at his Feet, kiſs’d the very Gronnd.—Here Scheherazade, perceiving Day, acquainted the Sultan with it, and held her Peace.

I wonder, Siſter, ſays Dinarzade, where you learn fo many fine Things. You ſhall hear a great many others tomorrow, replies Scheherazade, if the Sultan, my Maſter, will be pleas’d to prolong my Life further. Schahriar, who long’d as much as Dinarzade to hear the Sequel of the Story of Douban the Phyſician, did not order the Sultaneſs to be put to Death that Day.

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