Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/6

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to preſerve their Characters, and to keep their Senſe; nor have we varied from the Text, but when Modeſty obliged us to it. The Tranſlator flatters himſelf, that thoſe who underſtand Arabick, and will be at the Pains to compare the Original with the Tranſlation, muſt agree, that he has ſhew’d the Arabians to the French, with all the Circumſpection that the Niceneſs of the French Tongue, and of the Time requires; and if thoſe who read theſe Stories, have but any Inclination to profit by the Examples of Virtue and Vice, which they will here find exhibited, they may reap an Advantage by it, that is not to be reap’d in other Stories, which are more proper to corrupt than to reform our Manners.

