Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/7

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Woodcut pictureArabian Nights


THE Chronicles of the Suffanians, the ancient Kings of Perſia, who extended their Empire into the Indies, over all the Iſlands thereunto belonging, a great way beyond the Ganges, and as far as China; acquaint us, that there was formerly a King of that potent Family, the moſt excellent Prince of his Time: He was as much belov’d by his Subjects for his Wiſdom and Prudence, as he was dreaded by his Neighbours, becauſe of his Valour, and his warlike and well-diſciplin’d Troops. He had two Sons; the eldeſt Schahriar, the worthy Heir of his Father, and endow’d with all his Virtues, The youngeſt Schahzenan, was likewiſe a Prince of incomparable Merit.

After a long and glorious Reign, this King died, and Schahriar mounted his Throne. Schahzenan being ex-
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