Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/93

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( 79 )

The young Prince return’d Thanks to the Sultan in fuch a manner, as ſhew’d that he was throughly ſenſible of the Kindneſs that he had done him, and in Acknowledgment wiſh’d him a long Life and all Happineſs. You may henceforward, ſays the Sultan, dwell peaceably in your Capitol, except you will go to mine, which is ſo near, where you ſhall be very welcome, and have as much Honour and Reſpect as if you were at home. Potent Monarch, to whom I am ſo much indebted, replies the King, you think then that you are very near your Capitol; yes, ſays the Sultan, I know it, it is not above four or five Hours Journey, It will take you a whole Year’s Journey, ſays the Prince. I do believe indeed that you came hither from your Capitol in the time you ſpoke of, becauſe mine was enchanted but ſince the Enchantment is taken off, things are changed: However this ſhall not hinder me to follow you, were it to the utmoſt Corners of the Earth. You are my Deliverer, and that I may give you Proofs of my acknowledging this, during my whole Life, I am willing to accompany you, and to leave my Kingdom without Regret.

The Sultan was extreamly ſurpriz’d, to underſtand that he was ſo ſar from his Dominions, and could not imagine how it cou’d be. But the young King of the Black-Iſlands convinc’d him ſo plainly, that he could no more doubt of it. Then the Sultan replied, It is no matter, the Trouble that I ſhall have to return to my own Country, is ſufficiently recompenſed by the Satisſaction I have had to oblige you, and by acquiring you for a Son; for ſince you will do me the Honour to attend me, and that I have no Child, I look upon you as one, and from this Moment I appoint you my Heir and Succeſſor.

This Diſcourſe be:ween the Sultan and the King of the Black-Iſlands concluded with moſt affectionate Embraces, after which the young Prince was wholly taken up in making Preparations for his Journey, which were finiſh’d in three Weeks time, to the great Regret of his Court and Subjects, who agreed to receive at his Hands one of his neareſt Kindred for King.

At laſt the Sultan and young Prince began their Journey, with an hundred Camels laden with ineſtimable Riches
