Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/94

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from the Treaſury of the young King, follow’d by fifty handſome Gentlemen, on Horſe-back, perfectly well mounted and dreſs’d. They had a very happy Journey; and when the Sultan, who had ſent Couriers to give Advice of his Delay, and of the Adventure which had occafion’d it, came near his Capitol, the principal Officers he had left there, came to receive him, and to affure him that his long Abſence had occafion’d no Alteration in his Empire. The Inhabitants came out alſo in great Crowds, received him with mighty Acclamations, and made publick Rejoycings for ſeveral Days.

Next Day after his Arrival, the Sultan gave all his Courtiers a very ample Account of all things, which contrary to his Expectation had detain’d him thy. He acquainted them with his having adopted the King of the Four Black-Iſlands, who was willing to leave a great Kingdom to accompany and live with him, and in ſhort, as an Acknowledgment of their Loyalty, he rewarded each of them according to their Rank.

And for the Fiſherman, as he was the firſt Cauſe of the Deliverance of the young Prince, the Sultan gave him a plentiful Eſtate, which made him and his Family happy the reſt of his Days.

Here Scheherazade made an end of the Story of the Fiſherman and the Genie. Dinorzade ſignified, that ſhe had taken a great deal of Pleaſure in it; and Schahriar having ſaid the ſame thing, the Sultaneſs told ’em, that ſhe knew another which was much finer, and if the Sultan would give her leave, ſhe would tell it ’em next Morning, for Day began to appear. Schahriar bethinking himſelf, that he had granted the Sultaneſs a Month’s Reprieve, and being curious moreover to know if this new Story would be as agreeable as ſhe promis’d, got up with a Deſign to hear it next Night.

The Twenty Eighth Night.

DInarzade according to Cuſtom, did not forget to call the Sultaneſs when it was time, Madam, ſays ſhe,I know not what’s the matter with me, but I know very
