Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 2.djvu/90

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left each of us a thouſand Sequins. As ſoon as we receiy’d our Portions, the two elder (for I am the youngeſt) being married, followed their Husbands, and left me alone. Some time after my eldeſt Siſter’s Husband ſold all that he had, and with that Money and my Siſter’s Portion they went both into Africa, where her Husband, by riotous Living and Debauchery, ſpent all; and finding himſelf reduc’d to Poverty, he found a Pretext for divorcing my Siſter, and put her away.

She return’d to this City, and having ſuffer’d incredible Hardſhips by the way, came to me in ſo lamentable a Condition, that it would have mov’d the hardeſt Heart to Compaſſion. I receiv’d her with all the Tenderneſs ſhe could expect, and inquiring into the Cauſe of her ſad Condition, ſhe told me with Tears how inhumanly her Husband had dealt by her. I was ſo much concern’d at her Misfortune, that it drew Tears from my Eyes, I put her into a Bagnio, and cloathed her with my own Apparel, and ſpoke to her thus. Sitter, you are my elder, and I eſteem you as my Mother During your Abſence, God has bleſt the Portion that fell to my Share, and the Employment I follow, to feed and bring up Silk-Worms. Aſſure your ſelf there’s nothing I have but what is at your Service, and as much at your Diſpoſal as my own.

We liv’d very comfortably together for ſome Months, and as we were often diſcourſing together about our third Siſter, and wondering we heard no News of her, ſhe came in as bad a Condition as the elder; her Husband had treated her after the ſame manner; and I receiv’d her likewiſe with the ſame Affection I had done the former.

Some time after, my two Siſters, on pretence that they would not be chargeable to me, told me they had thoughts to marry again. I anſwer’d them, that if their putting me to Charge was all the Reaſon, they might lay thoſe Thoughts aſide, and be very welcome to ſtay with me; for what I had, would be ſufficient to maintain us all three anſwerable to our Condition: But, ſays I, I rather believe you have a mind to marry again; which if you have, I’m ſure ’twill very much ſurprize me; after the Experience you have had of the ſmall Satisfaction there is in Wedlock, is it poſſible you dare venture a ſecond time? You know how rare it is to meet with a Husband that is a real honeſt Man, Believe what I ſay, and let
