Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/405

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INDEX TO VOL. IV. The • Bignifies an engravin;.' of the object referred to. A. AccA, Bp., altar found in toinb of, 240 St. Alban's, super-altare of St. Augustine, pre- sented to tlie Abbey, 243 Alfred, ornaments of his time, 111 Allies, IIr. Jabez,on discoveries at Droitwich, 146 on Roman coins, Little Malvern, 356 Allingham, Mr., seal in possession of, 150 Altars, portable, found in tombs of Bp. Acca and St. Cuthbert, 240 Altar cloth, embroidered, Winclicorabe, 110 Altare Viaticum, notice of, 239, 248 Anderida or Andredesceaster, site of city, 203, 217 a Romano-British city, mentioned in the Saxon Chronicle and by Henry of Hunt- ingdon, 203 supposed by Camden to be Newenden, 206 ; East Bourne by Dr. Tabor, 209 ; by some to be Arundel, by others Chichester, 209 ; Hastings, 209; Nevhaven,210 ; Seaford,210; shewn to be Pevensey, 211 ; Pevensey, objec- tions answered, 213 Anglo- Roman vases found at Cuddesden, 159 Antiquities of silver found in Cuerdale, account of, 200, 203 Archaeologia Cambrensis, reviewed, 95 Archaeological Manuals, a series of, proposed by the Committee of the Institute, 365 Arches, Wm. dc, and Ivetta, foum'ers of Nun Monkton Church and Nunnery, 131 Architectural designs, ancient, 20 Architectural design, implements for, 15 Architecture, Gothic, geometrical principles of, 21 Architectural Notes in the neighbour- hood OF Cheltexham, 97 Ardley, Oxon, low side window, 320 •Armlets, &c., found in Cuerdale, 119 •Arms, specimen of ancient, 367, 368 ancient bill and halbard, 255 Armour, Hewitt's chart of, reviewed, 366 for jousts, 228 in use in the fifteenth century, 229 • mode of putting on, from MSS., 220 • Toiras, 352 Armoury of the Tower, survey of, in 1660, 341 Arundel, supposed to be Anderida, 208 Audi Cathedral, painted glass, 179 •Axe, military, of the fifteenth century, 237 B. Badgeworth Church, Gloucestershire, 105 Barninpham, Yorkshire, Saxon coffin-lid, 357 Barn, Brockworth, 104 Postlip, 99 Bakewell Church, Derbyshire, account OF, 37 Baki'vvell Church, Derbyshire, anciently a stronghold, A.D. 924, 38 VOL. IV. I Bakewell, two priests mentioned in Domesday Survey, 39 Church endowed by Peverel, 39 chantry at, founded by Sir Gc '.IV. y Foljarabe and Aveua his wife, A:D. 1365, 40 • nave arches and impost, 40 • coffin-lids at, 48—52 Norman door, 41 • south transept in 1841, 37 • ground-plan, 43 • capital and springing of arch, 4 I

  • pier and base mouldings, 4.')
  • sections of window jambs, 45

Bateman, Mr., grave-stoues in possession of, 17 —58 Bay of interior. Nun Blonkton, 137 Beckley, Oxon, font with desk, 88 paintings on the walls, 256, 7, 8 Bede, notice of super-altare, 240 Bellman, Rev. F., on discoveries in Hein»'>y Church, 364 Benvenuto Cellini, seal attributed to, 164 Bell-turret, Stoke Orchard, 102 Bingham, Rev. C. W., family seals, 360 on figures at INIappowder, 155 Birch, on the reading of the coins of Cunobelin, 28 — 36 Biscoe, Mrs., Roman vase in possession of, 74 Bishop's Cleeve Church, Gloucestershire, 104 piscina, 104 Bliswortli, Northauts.,low side window, 321 Boileau, Sir John, discoveries at Caistor, 73 Bookham, Great, Surrey, brasses at, 151 Bowden, Mr., embroidery in possession of, 291, 300 Bras.s in Chbishall Church, Esses, 338— 40 Brasses at Great Bookham, Surrey, 151 Palimpsest, West Lavington, Wilts, 362 Bredon Church, Worcestershire, 105 turret, 105 Bretfenham, Norfolk, Roman remains, 252 •Brimpsfield Church, Gloucestershire, exterior and interior, 109 British Museum, celts from the, 329, 330 •Brockworth Church, 103 manor-house, 104 barn, 104 Bromet, Dr., on antiquities at Worksop, 153 •Broham, Tomb of Udard de, 61 • Gilbert de, 62 Brougham, Wm., on family tombs, 59 — 68 Brougham Church, discoveries in, 59 circlet found in, 63 skeletous found in, 64 spur found in, 65 Buckler, round, 67 Buckuell Church, Oxon, low side window, 314 Bulla?, or pendant seals, 162 Burdett, Miss, ancient watch in possession of, 83 Burtt, Mr. J., seal exhibited by, 151 Buryan, St., Cornwall, cro.-ses at, 305, 310 D