Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/406

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382 INDEX. •Caistor, near Norwich, plan of, 72 discoveries at, 72 Cambrian Archaeological Association, 96 Canopy, diagrams of Gothic, 27 Canterbury, conventual buildings at, 160 •Capital and impost, Brockworth, 103 Cardiff Tor, Derbyshire, crucifix at, 136 Castellum Aquae, at Canterbury, 161 Celts, bronze, classification of, 1 illustrations of, 2 — 6 Celts and Celt Moulds, 327, 337 bronze, 327

  • twenty-two, from Royal Irish Academy,

328, 333

  • eight from British Museum, 329, 330

four from Dublin University Museum, 331 Celt-moulds of stone, 335 of bronze, 336

  • Chancel-arch, Ac, Postlip, 100

Charter of Ilbert de Lacy, 250 Chelmorton, Derbyshire, six slabs in church- yard, 54 Cheltenham, Architectural notices in the neighbourhood of, 97 . Church, notes of, 97 Chester, Mr. Q. J., on Roman remains in Nor- folk, 252 Chesterford, Cambridgeshire, spur found at, 63 Chichester, supposed to be Anderida, 209 Chrishall Church, Essex, brass in, 338, 340 Chronicle of the Mayors and Sheriffs of Lon- don, reviewed, 273 Churches of Northamptonshire, No. II. — VIII. reviewed, 268 Cinque Cento style of Glass Painting, 184 •Circlet found at Brougham, 63 Cirencester Church, embroidery in, 295 Cists, leaden, 149 St. Clement's, Cornwall, cross at, 309

  • Coffin-lids, in Bakewell Church, 48 — 52

stone, 38 •CofEn-lid, supposed Saxon, 357 Coins, Anglo-Saxon, 200 British and Roman, found in Norfolk, 252 111 found in Cuerdale, deposited A.D. 910, and treasure found in Cuerdale, 111 Cufic, found in Gothland, 201 Cufic or Oriental, found in Sweden, with silver ornaments, 202 of Cunobelin, 28 English, French, and Oriental, 193 of Khorasan, 201 Roman, found at Brettenham, 252 at Droitwich, 148 in Essex, 145 Little Malvern, Worcestershire, 356 Milverton, Somerset, 145 in Russia, 200 ■ of the Samarinds, 201 of the Transoxana, 201 Coleshill, Warwickshire, ring found at, 359 Collections at Melton Constable, 227 Costume, medieval, 226, 239 Crescent and star, device of, 77 Crosses, different forms of, 56 Crosses in Cornwall, 302, 313 •Penwith, St. Juste, 303, 304; •St. Buryan, 305, 310; •Fowey, 307; *St. Cle- ment's, 309 ; *Sancreed, 311 ; •Landsend, 312 Crosses at Eyam, 46 Runic, 38 •Crucifix, Cardiff Tor, 156 •Cuddesden Church, Oxon, 84 glass vases, *c., found at, 158 Cuerdale, coins and treasure found in. 111, 189 —199 coins, &c., deposited A.D. 910, 1 11 similar treasures found in several places, generally near the sea coast, in places frequented by the Norsemen, 194 objects formed by hammer and punches only, 192, 193 probably of Eastern origin, 200 Professor Worsaae's remarks on silver antiquities found there, 200, 203 Cunobelin, coins of, 28 — 36 predecessors of, 33 Cuthbert, St., altar found in tomb of, 240 Darley, Derbyshire, slabs and crosses found at, 54 Darlington, seal found at, 149 Dashwood, Rev. G. H., seal communicated by, 150 Deerhurst Church, Gloucestershire, 110 De la Pole, .John, brass of, at Chrishall, 338 •Details of Bakewell Church, 40—45 Design for a tower, ancient, 17 Device of crescent and star, 77

  • Diagrams of Gothic canopy, 27
  • of a pinnacle, 22 — 27

Dickenson, F H., Esq., seal in possession of, 77 Diplomatarium Suecanum et Dalekarlicum, re- viewed, 91 Diss, Norfolk, seal found at, 150 Domestic house, fourteenth century. West Dean, Sussex, 260 Doncaster, seal found at, 360 Dowdeswell Church, Gloucestershire, 109 Norman remains at, 110 Downe, Viscount, notice of brasses, 151 Droitwich, a Roman settlement at, 146 Roman urn found at, 73 Druid's eggs, 67 Dublin University Museum, celts from, 331 Durham, altar found at, 240 Reginald of, 240 Du Noyer, Classification of celts, 1 on celts and eelt-monlds, 327, 337 E. Eadwin's drawings of the conventual buildings at Canterbury, 160 Early English Church, Nun Monkton, views and details of, 131—138 work at IfBey, 225 Earthenware, medieval, 80 East Bourne, supposed to be Anderida, 209 Edingtou Church, Wilts, consecrated 1<361, 362 EfRgies at Leckhampton, 110 Bishop's Cleeve, 104 of a lady and child, Sittingbourne, 82 Egyptian remains in Upper Nubia, 139 Eleanor, Queen, iron-work of the tomb of, 76 Ely, Prior Crawden's Chapel, low side window, 320