Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/407

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I NDEX, 383 Embhoidbuv, Medieval, 285 — 301 «|)ecimens of, from 'Steeple Aston Church, Oxoii, 285; •Hardwick Hall, Derby- Bhire, 290; •CireuceHter Church, 295 ; * Hill Church, Oxon, 298; •Southgate House, Derbyshire, 291, 300; 'Chest for copes, York, 301 Enamel colours on glasx, 167 ■ thicknesB of, 168 Elsfleld, Oxon, low side windows, 316 Essex, Roman coins fouud in, 145 •Etruscan glass, from Nola, G7 Eyam cross, Derbyshire, 46 F. Fairfax, Margaret, Prioress of Nun Monkton, A.D. 1397, 131 •Fibula, Romano-British, found at Miltou, Berks, preserved in Ashmoleau Museum, Oxford, 252 Fictile manufactories. Medieval, 80 Figg, Mr. W., pottery in possession of, 79 Figures, diminutive, Horsted Keynes, and at Mappowder, 155 Finningley, Yorkshire, seals found at, 360 Fitch, Robert, Esq., seal in possession of, 150 Font, at Iffley, Oxon, 225

  • vfith desk, Beckley, Oxon, 88

Stoke Orchard, Somersetshire, 102 Fordington, Dorsetshire, seal fonnd at, 150 Forest Hill Church, Oxon, embroidery, 298 Forms of letters in the Middle Ages, 141, 144 Fowey, Cornwall, cross at, 307 Fradgeley, Mr., account of grave-stones, 153 •Fragments of ornament in Cuerdale, 189, 199 Frahn, discoveries in Russia, 200 French style of glass painting, 181 a. Oarianonum, remains of, 72 Garsington, Oxon, low side windows, 319 Geometrical principles of Gothic Architecture, 21 Gestatorium, notices of, 239 — 248 Gibson's History of Tynemouth, notice of, 371 Gibson, Mr. W. S., on the Norman keep at New- castle, 262 Glass Painting, Hints on, reviewed, 165 — 184 specimens of, from •Wilton, Wilts, 170; •Stiinford, Northauts, 171; 'Merton Chapel, Oxford, 172; •Woodmanstone, Sur- rey, 173; 'Suodland, Kent, 175; 'Auch Cathedral, 179 •Glass, Phoenician, fragment of, 60 • vases fonnd at Cuddesden, 157 Glastonbury, super-altare, 243 Gloucester, Robert, earl of, 98 Gothic Architecture, geometrical principles of, 21 Gothland, CuBc coins found in, 201 Grave-sto,^es, early, in Bakewell Church, account of, 37 • Bt Bakewell, 38, 58 • at Hanbary, Staffordshire, 154

  • at Lympley Stoke, 262

GciUB TO NEiouuouBHuoD OF OxFOED, Parts III. and IV., reviewed, 84 — 90 H. •Halbard, ancient, 255 Halbard, first mentioned in England, temp. Hen. VII., 256 Hanbury, Stafford, grave-stones, 153 Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire, embroidery, 290 HAaTSHuRNE, Rev. C. H., ox Medieval EMBllOIDERY, 285 — 301 Haslam, Rev. W., on cbosses in Cornwall, 302—313 Hastings, supposed to be Anderida, 209 Lord, documents belonging to, 227 Hawki.ns, Edward, account of coins and treasure found in Cuerdale, 111 — 130, 189—199 on the seal of James IV., 164 Head-stones, Bakewell, Derbyshire, 57 Hemsby Church, Norfolk, discoveries in, 364 Hewitt's, J., chart of ancient armour and Tower armoury, reviewed, 366 Hexham, altar found at, 240 Church, Northumberland, plan for restoration of, suljscriptions required, 364 Hildebrand, Anglo-Saxon coins, 200 Hiucmar, Archbishop, enjoined use of super- altare in 857, 241 Hinksey, North, Berks, low side window, 315 Hints on Glass Painting, reviewed, 165 — 184 Holmesdale, Lord, Roman dish and Saxon fibula, exhibited by, 164 Holtou, Oxon, Roman vase fonnd at, 74 •Horsepath Church, Oxon, sculpture in, 86 • stoup, 87 Horsted Keynes, diminutive figure at, 155 Houses, Norman, at Southampton, 13 some of stone, in twelfth century, 262 Hoylake, antiquities found at, 371 Hugh de Audley, earl of Gloucester, and Mar- garet his wife, temp. Edward III., 106 Hume's Antiquities of Hoylake, notice of, 371 Hunter, Rev. J., on seals, 164 Huntingdon, Henry of, on Anderida, 203 Hn:?sET, Rev. Arthur, on the site of city of Anderida, 203 — 217 on an ancient house at West Dean, Sussex, 260 Iffley Chubch, Oxon, 218 — 225 •west door, 218; •ground-plan, 219; •Impost, 220; •window, 221 ; •corbel-tables, 222; •string, ib.; •moulding, ib. ; •base, 223; •turret, ib. ; 'boss, 224; •frescoes, ib.; •but- tress, 225 ; font, ib. given to Kenilworth by Juliana de St.Remi, temp. Hen. II., 219 west door resembles that of Kenil- worth, 219 probable date, A.D. 1160, 219 Ilbert de Lacy, charter and seal of, 249. 25 Implements of design, ancient, 15 Impost, Nun Monkton, 133 Incised slabs at Bakewell, 38 • at Brougham, 60, 61 Indian rubber first used in England in 1770, 19 Intaglios, antique used as seals, 163 Irish Royal Academy, celts from, 328, 333 •Iron-work, Westminster Abbey, A.D. 1293, 76 •Irthlingborough, ground-plan of, 268; •capital and base, 269; "west doorway, 270; •niche for lamp, 271 ; •altar, recess for, 272; Pyel's college at, 272 Jackson, Mr. C, on seals found at Finningley and Doncaster, 360 Jousts, armour for, 228