Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/408

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584 INDEX. Kenilworth Castle, ring found at, 358 Church, resemblance of west door to Iffley, 219 Khorasan, coins of, 201 King's house at Southampton, 7 — 13 Laud's End, Cornwall, cross at, 312 Lavington, West, palimpsest brasses, 362 Lead for drawing, early mention of, 19 Leckhampton, Gloucestershire, effigies at, 110 Leighton, Thomas de, 76 Leofric, Bp., altar presented by, 242 Leopold von Ledebur's map of places where ori- ental coins have been found, 200 : Letters and Deeds, Medieval forms for, 141, 144 i Levaticum, notice of, 239, 248 i Lewes, Sussex, pottery found at, 79 i Lichfield merchants' petition in 1342, 69 Liege, super-altare preserved at, 1137, 242 Linen, stretched, used for designs, 15 London — Chronicle of Mayors and Sherifis of, reviewed, 273 materials for the history of, 274 institutions of, in Saxon and Norman times, 276; sokes in, 277; state of, in the thirteenth century, 281 had some stone houses in the twelfth century, 282 medieval pottery found in Carey-street, 254 Tower Armoury in 1660, 341 Longstaffe, Mr. W. H., on a coffln-lid, sujiposed to be Saxon, 357 Low Side Windows, 314, 326 twelve theories and conjectures on, 323, 326 — specimens at *Bucknell, Oxon, 314 ; •North Hiuksey, Berks, 315; •Northampton, St. Giles's, ib.; •EUfield, Oxon, 316; •Ray- don, Suffolk, ib. ; *Over, Cambridge, 317; •Somertou, Oxon, 318; *Whitwell, Rutland, 319; *Garsington, Oxon, ib. ; *Ardley, Oxon, 320; *Ely, "Prior Crawden's Chapel, ib.; •Ellsworth, Northants, 321; •Othery, Somer- set, 322 Lympley Stoke,Wilts, incised grave-stones at, 260 Lynn, Norfolk, seal found at, 150 M. Minster, Thanet, ancient burying ground at, 254 Monastic remains at Canterbury, 160 Monument in Sittingbourne Church, Kent, 81 Waterpery Church, Oxon, 90 Mosaic style of Glass Painting, 165 Moule, H. J., Esq., brass seal in the possession of, 150 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Guide to, reviewed, 369 — — restoration of Norman keep at, 82, 262, 365 Newhavcn, supposed to be Anderida, 210 Neville, Hon. R., ancient weapons exhibited by, 255 coins in possession of, 28 Newenden, Kent, supposed to be Anderida, 205 Norman Church, Iffley, description of, 218, 225 door, Bakewell Church, 41 walls, Bakewell Church, 41 keep, at Newcastle, 82, 262 walls and bouses at Southampton, 13 Northampton, Marquis of, Etruscan glass in the possession of, 67 St. Giles's, low side window, 315 Northamptonshire Churches, No. II. — VIII., reviewed, 268 letter from Mr. E. A. Freeman respecting the review, 372 — 376 Northumberland, Duke of, ancient gold ring in his possession, 164 Norwich, Annual Meeting of the Institute at, 265 Nun Monkton Church, Yorkshire, 131 — 138 ' 'west front, 131 ; *impost of west door, 133 ; 'section of arch, 134 ; *cap)tal and base, 135; *west end, 136; *side bays, 137 ; •plan, 138 O. Original Documents, 249 — 251, 341 — 354 Ornaments and Appliances for sacred use, 239—248 Othery, Somerset, low side window, 322 Over, Cambridge, low side window, 317 Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, fibula in, 252 Merton Chapel, painted glass, 172 Oriel College, collection of seals at, 1 64 Bishop of, discoveries at Cuddesden, 157 •Ozleworth Church, Gloucestershire, 107 Malvern, Little, Roman coins found at, 356 Manners, medieval, 226, 239 Manning, C. J., on brass at Chrishall, 338, 340 C. R., Esq., seal in possession of, 150 Manor-house, Brockworth, 104 Mappowder Church, Dorset, diminutive effigy in, 155 Map of places where oriental coins have been found, by Leopold von Ledebur, 200 Martene, Dom, on the origin of super-altare, 239 Materials of design, ancient, 15 Matilda, the empress, seal of, 164 Medieval Manners and Costume from Documents, 226, 239 seals, 162 Meyrick, Sir Samuel, remarks on armour, 229 Melton Constable, collections at, 227 Milton, Berks, fibula found at, 252 Milverton, Somerset, Roman coins found at, 145 Painted glass in Thirsk Church, Yorkshire, 362 Paintings on the walls at Becklev, Oxon, 256, 257,8 Palmer, C. J., Esq., discoveries at Yarmouth, 151 Paper, earliest fabrication of, 19 Papyrus, used for designs, 15 Paratum or super-altar, notices of the, 239, 248 Parchment, used for designs, 19 Parker, I. H., on Iffley Church, 218-r225 on low side windows, 314 — 326 on Nun Monkton Church, 131 — 138 on walls, &c., at Southampton, 7 — 13 Penwith, St. Just, Cornwall, crosses at, 303, 304 Petit, Rev. J. L., Notes in the Neighbour- hood of Cheltenham, 110 Petition of Lichfield merchants to the Earl of Arundel, in 1342, 69