Page:Are Women People?.djvu/97

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to Manchester?"—Lord Macaulay's Speech on the Reform Bill.

"Universal suffrage prolongs in the United States the effect of universal education: for it stimulates all citizens throughout their lives to reflect on problems outside the narrow circle of their private interests and occupations: to read about public questions; to discuss public characters and to hold themselves ready in some degree to give a rational account of their political faith."—Dr. Charles Eliot.

"But liberty is not the chief and constant object of their (the American people) desires: equality is their idol; they make rapid and sudden efforts to obtain liberty and if they miss their aim, resign themselves to their disappointment; but nothing can satisfy them without equality, and they would rather perish than lose it."—De Tocqueville: Democracy in America, 1835.

"A government is for the benefit of all the people. We believe that this benefit is best accomplished by popular government

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