Page:Arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn (1).pdf/21

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Enter Bunch.

Gentlemen I beſeech you hear me, I am a Brewer and I believe few of you can live without a cup of liquor, any more than I can live without Sir John; and for my own part I maintain a great charge; I pay forty pounds a week, taxes yo his Majeſty (God bleſs him, and all this is maintained by Sir John. Then how can any man for ſhame want to take way his life.

Enter Miſtreſs Hoſteſs.

Take his life! pray who is it that would attempt to take away his life?—if they caſte off his head, they ſhall take off mine too. What ſad impudent rogues are they who ſay ſo? I am perſuaded that they are none who love the poor commonality: ſurely they are none but ſome miſerable rogues, that make their bags their God, heaping up their cheſts with money to ſtop the devils mouth when he comes to fetch them; ſuch as theſe would have nobody live