Page:Arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn (1).pdf/22

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but themſelves. Indeed ſuch as theſe would take off the head of any man, if they could enrich themſelves by it. Away you vagabonds! away you muckworms of the world you would love nobody live but yourſelves. I hope Sir, John Barleycorn will thrive amongſt us, when Old Nick ſhall fetch ſuch as you away by ten at a burden Gentlemen, I beſeech you to take no notice of what ſuch fellows ſay, for they care not what blood they ſhed.

As for Sir John Barleycorn I know him to be an honeſt man, and never affronted any man, if they do not abuſe him firſt; and in ſo doing they abuſe themſelves, for all they ſay he abuſes them I do proteſt, Gentlemen, that before you take his life you ſhall take mine. Nay, I beſeech you to give me leave to ſpeak to you; it you put him to death, all England will be undone; for there is not ſuch another in the land, that can do what he can and hath done; for he can make a cripple to go, he can make a coward to fight with a valiant ſoldier; nay, he can make a good ſoldier to ſee neither hunger nor cold. Beſides for