Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/66

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From Poſidæum to Tyndarida: 45 ſtadia. This place was probably ſo called from Caftor and Pollux, the ſons of Tyndarus, who were adventurers in the Argonautic expedition, and forms another local evidence of that event.

From Tyndaridae to Nymphzeum 15 ſtadia. From Nymphmum to Oxinas 30 ſtadia.

Marcianus Heracleota makes it to be 90 ſtadia from Poſidæum to Oxinas, which agrees with Arrian.

From Oxinas to Sandaraca 90 ſtadia. From Sandaraca to Crenides 60 ſtadia. From Crenides to Pſylla 30 ſtadia.

This place is mentioned by Ptolemy, under the name of Pſyllium,and is placed 26′ to [1] the weſt of Tios, or Tion, which is near double the diſtance aſſigned by Arrian. Scyllaeum is placed in the Peutingerian Tables 12 Greek miles diſtant from Tion, which is nearer the computation of Arrian.

From Piylla to Tios 60 ſtadia. Pliny ſays, that Tios is 38 miles diſtant from Heraclea. This is not [2]⅔ of the diſtance aſſigned by Arrian. Perhaps the doubling of the Acheruſia Cherſoneſus might cauſe ſo great a difference between the computation by land and that by ſea. The diſtance by land agrees nearly with Pliny's computation.

  1. The Greek copy of Ptolemy makes a difference of 56 minutes of longitude between Pſyllium and Tios.
  2. It ſeeme by the Peutingerian Tables to be 42 miles from Hetaclea to Tium.
