Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/352

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like a firin' line listener. I can sit back with a watch-case receiver at my ear and pick up what I want to pick up, for if any one o' that bunch doesn't show up, I sure want to know where he's at."

"But still I don't quite see—" began the other.

"Well, I'll show yuh. To-morrow I'm goin' to be a pretty sick woman. So we'll have an electrician string a private wire over to Doctor Wilson's office. This hotel knows I've got money to burn, but they don't know it's comin' out o' your Uncle Sam's pocket. That electrician'll do the work the way I tell him and he'll carry the wires up through that floor. Where we stop 'em after that won't be any o' his or anybody else's business. Then we'll move up above and get ready. I'll powder up till I look like a last-gasper and yuh'll have 'em carry me up on a stretcher—for we're goin' to do this thing right. Then, as soon as we see the bunch is beginnin' to show up, I'm goin' to get worse. I'm goin' to get so bad that yuh'll have to send a wire to Noo Yawk. That's me home town. Yuh'll telegraph for a specialist to beat it up here as quick as a train can bring him. Yuh'll have to wire to Doctor Wilsnach to come at once. And yuh may even send a wire for Doctor Kestner."