Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/353

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Sadie stopped speaking and stared wide-eyed at the wall opposite her. "And although they're both pretty clever specialists in their way, they're goin' to arrive just a little too late for this operation. For the case is sure goin' to be wound up b'fore them big guns get their kit laid out!"

"But won't there be danger? Won't—"

Again Sadie cut the other short.

"For yuh?" she demanded. "Or for me?"

The Canadian girl blushed.

"I'm afraid I was thinking more about myself," she had the honesty to acknowledge.

"And yuh're gettin' cold feet?"

"It's not so much a matter of cold feet, as you call it. But it's all so—so new to me. And I rather wish you—you hadn't taken me into your confidence in this way."

Sadie sat regarding her. She studied with contemplative and not unfriendly eyes the tired young face opposite her.

"No, dearie, there won't be anything new about it. All yuh've gotta do is be what yuh are, a trained nurse and a nice clean-livin' girl. If there was anything more'n that in it I wouldn't try to drag a decent skirt into it. It's secret work, and it's gotta