Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/354

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stay secret, and the lord-mayor o' Lucan'll never even know yuh've been gay-cattin' for a gumshoe expert. And if yuh're a quitter I've sure made the mistake of my life!"

Still again the younger woman blushed a little.

"I don't think I'm what you call a quitter. But there's your own side of the case. Isn't a thing like this dangerous for you?"

"Hully gee, child, I gotta eat danger in a callin' like mine! That's my job, takin' chances. And the only thing that's worrying me is whether yuh're goin' to stick it out or not."

"I think you can count on me," the Canadian girl very quietly announced.

A sigh of relief escaped Sadie.

"Then s'posin' we get down to cases," she said, as she seated herself with a telephone directory on her lap. "For I sure don't want any loopholes in those extradiction proceedin's!"