Page:Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India.djvu/273

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Brahmans, 152, 165, 167, 168, 176, 178, 180, 182, 185, 210, 211, 234.
Brâhmî,script, 129, 139, 144.
Branding, regulated, 57, 205.
Bṛihascharaṇain (Great Migration), 161.
Bṛihadratha, last of Maurya dynasty, 71, 74.
Buddha, sayings of, 30 n., 32, 65, 193; title of Gautama, 39; childhood of, 40; disciples of, 41; teaching of. 47, 233, 237; 'former', 40, 54, 224: death of, 69, 82, 235 237, 252, 259: relics of, no, 251; images of, 138; mentioned in Bhâbrû Edict, I54; forbade castration, 206; birthplace of, 222; Konâ-kamana. the 'former', 39, 54, 73, 224; statue of, 255; elephant, symbol of, 189.
Buddhism, chronicles of, 23, 43; conversion of Asoka to 28; ethical thought of, 30, 67; in Burma, 44; in other countries. 46; in far South, 49; in Ceylon, 50; holy Places of, 54, 73, 253; sanctity of animal life taught by, 58; and Jainism, 61; not in Assam, 81; in Khotan, 82; spirit of, 90; technical terms of, 177, 200.
Buddhist, Order, 26, 35, 73, 151; literature, 32, 33, 48, 63, 144; attitude, 34; monks, 36, 234, 254; 'ordination', 38, 156; dhalṁma, or Law of Piety, 34, 39, 98; Council. 55; monarchs, 59; ascetics, 60; philosophy, 65; monasteries, 77, 139; church, 92, 111; Jâtakas, 113; buildings, 115; procession described, 167; doctrine of joyousness, 189.
Bull, as guardian, 222.
Burma, happiness aimed at in, 31; self-reliance in, 34; the Order in, 38; Bodoahpra, king of, 39 n.; Buddhism in, 44, 46; palaces of, 86; Wooden architectnre in, 137; monasteries in, 139; four queens in, 215.

Cambodia, Buddhism in, 46.
Canon, Pâli, 32 n., 156.
Capital, Persepolitan, 140.
Caste, development of, 29, 205.
Castration, regulated, 57, 205, 206.
Casts, of Asoka inscriptions, 268.
Catechism, teaching of, 34 n., 66. Cauvery, river = Kâviri, q. v. Cave, dwellings, 134; dedications, 146, 225.
Censors, of Law of Piety, 53, 57, 99, 168, 169, 183, 210; of women, 171, 183.
Ceremonial, true, 178.
Ceylon, Buddhism in, 38, 44-6, 243; in the edicts, 44, 156; legends of, 47, 55, 231-46, 255 n., 258 n., 259 n., 265 n.; Buddhist literature in, 48; monuments in, 50, 51 inscriptions in, 140; Niééanka. Malia, king of, 182; horse as guardian, 222; conversion of, 235.
Châṇakya, minister, 13, 17 n., 83, 88, 89, 93, 96-8, 101, 232.
Chanâr _Chunar), sandstone, 120.
Chandagirika, executioner, 250.
Chaṇḍâla = outcaste, 265 n.
Chandragiri, river, 80.
Chandragupta Maurya, 13-18,72, 75, 161.
Chariots, 101, 102.
Charlemagne, compared with Asoka, 92, 98 n. 106, 199, 214.
Chârumatî, daughter of Asoka, 78.
Chlera, kingdom, 161.
Chikîchha, defined, 162.
China, Burmese Buddhism from, 44; Buddhism in, 46; trade with, 79; Wu-ti, emperor of, 36, 38; Shi—hwang-ti, emperor of, 81.
Chinese pilgrims, 36, 66, 71, 117; settlers in Khotan, 81; version