Page:Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India.djvu/274

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of text, 1 57; dates for Asoka, 241 n.
Chola, kingdom, 42, 43, 48, 160, 186.
Christianity, 61.
Church, Buddhist, 35, 92, 215-19.
Coimbatore, District, 161.
Conjeeveram = Kânchî, q. v., 50.
Constantîne, emperor, 21, 46.
Consular officers, 87 n.
Council, convened by Asoka, 55, 74, 217.
Courtesans, at court, 89; in secret service, 98.
Cow, Hindu reverence for, 58.
Cromwell, letter of, quoted, 182.
Cutch (Kachh), 81.
Cyrene, 43, 68, 73, 188.

Darius, conquest of Indus valley by, 128; rock inscription of, 141.
Daśaratha, grandson of Asoka, 70, 71, 72, 74, 225; cave dedications of, 226.
Death, penalty of, 59, 89.
Deimachos, ambassador, 18, 72
Delhi, inscribed pillars at, I21, 146, 112.
Devânaan piya, title of Asoka, 21; meaning of, 22; Tissa, king of Ceylon, 237. Devâṁpiyasa Asokasa, 20. Devapâla, son-in-law of Asoka, 78. Deva Pâtan, 78. Devî (1) mother of Mahendra, 235; (2) == Queen, 215; (3) = Durgâ, 127. n. Dhaṁma, see Dharma.
Dhaṅmapada, cited, 33, 34.
Dhanananda, king, 232.
Dharma (dhaṁma), meaning of, 29-34.
Dharmachakra, wheel of the law, 136.
Dharmâdhikârî, 53.
Dharmaguptaka, Buddhist school, 243 n.
Dharma—mahâmâtra, defined, 53, 88, 216.
Dhamarâja = Asoka, 107 n.
Dharmaynkta, defined, 53, 99, 170.
Dhauli, rock inscription at, 25, 131, 193, 194.
Dinapore (Dhânapur), cantonment, 84.
Dinâra', coin, 256.
Dionysios, mission of, 19.
Dîpavaṁsa, Ceylonese chronicle, 18 n., 74, 231 n. 236 n., 241 n, 259 n.
Divyâvdâna, 265 n.
Drangiana, 11.
Drâvigia, kingdom, 49.
Duty, Law of, see Dharma, 30.

Edicts, style of, 105; in chronological order, 145.
Egypt, embassy from, 19; Ptolemy Philadelphos, king of, 43, 72, 73, 186; irrigation in, 95.
Elephant, figure of, at Kâlsî, 128; image of, at Dhauli, 131; defined, 166; symbol of Buddha, 189; as guardian, 222.
Elephants, accepted by Seleukos, 15; in Maurya army, 102.
Epirus, Alexander king of, 43, 73, 188.
Eudêmos, 12, 13, 72. Eumenes, 12,

Fa-hien, Chinese pilgrim, 66 n., 107 n., 108.
Female, guards, 89 ; morals, 99 ; establishments, 169.
Firôz Shah, removed pillars, 121, 146, 219.
Folklore, 263 n.

Gaṇanâ = Accounts Department, 164.
Gandhara, country, 44, 141, 170.
Gandhâra, people, 43, 166.
Gangaridae, 138.
Garlic, prejudice against, 265 n.
Gautama Buddha, 59, 224.
Gazalhatti Pass, 161.
Gedrosia, 11, 15, 75.
Ghats (Westetn), 161.
Ghaznî, 75 n.