Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/118

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x. 3-

13. As the wind breaks with force the trees, the forest-trees, so do thou break my rivals, those born before and after; let the varaṇá defend thee.

Ppp. reads jīrṇān for vṛkṣān in b; and, in c, -tnāṅs tvaṁ bhan̄dhi. ⌊With d, cf. the Ppp. vs. cited under iii. 6. 2.⌋

14. As both wind and fire devour (psā) the trees, the forest-trees, so do thou devour my rivals, those born etc. etc.

Ppp. again relieves the redundancy of expression by reading sarvān instead of vṛkṣān in b; also it has in c -tnāṅs tvam for -tnān me.

15. As, destroyed by the wind, the trees lie prostrate (nyàrpita), so do thou destroy, prostrate my rivals, those born etc. etc.

Ppp. is quite corrupt in this verse, but does not appear to offer any variant. Prá kṣiṇīhi properly ought to be divided in our text.

16. Them, O varaṇá, do thou cut off (pra-chid), before what is appointed (diṣṭá), before [the end of] their life-time—them who strive to damage him in respect to cattle, and who are intent to damage his kingdom.

Ppp. reads, for b, purā dṛṣṭān parā ”yuṣaḥ. ⌊In c, pronounce yāí ’nam.⌋

17. As the sun shines exceedingly, as in it brilliancy is set, so let the varaṇá amulet fix (ni-yam) in me fame [and] growth; let it sprinkle me with brilliancy; let it anoint me with glory.

Part of the mss. (P.M.D.) accent asmín in b. Ppp. reads, for c etc., evā sapatnāṅs tvaṁ sarvān ati bhāhi syaçvo varuṇas tvā ’bhi rakṣatu. ⌊Either Mr. Whitney took me as locative (Gram. §492 a); or else his 'in me' is an inadvertence for 'for me.'⌋

18. As glory [is] in the moon, and in the men-beholding Āditya, so let the varaṇá amulet etc. etc.

From here on, Ppp. has the same refrain ⌊as the Berlin text⌋, only reading at the end mām.

19. As glory [is] in the earth, as in this Jātavedas, so let the varaṇá amulet etc. etc.

20. As glory [is] in the maiden, as in this constructed (sámbhṛta) chariot, so let the varaṇá amulet etc. etc.

21. As glory [is] in Soma-drink, as in honey-mixture [is] glory, so let the varaṇá amulet etc. etc.

22. As glory [is] in the agnihotrá, as in the váṣaṭ-utterance [is] glory, so let the varaṇá amulet etc. etc.

All the mss. save P.M.O. have yaço ‘gnihotre in a, and this is accordingly the better-supported reading.