Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/127

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-x. 5

29. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, region-sharpened, wind-brightened; after the regions I stride out; from the regions we disportion him who etc. etc.

30. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, verse-(ṛ́c-)sharpened, chant-(sā́man-)brightened; after the verses I stride out; from the verses we disportion him who etc. etc.

Some of the mss. (E.s.m.R.K.) read in a -hā ṛks-.

31. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, sacrifice-sharpened, bráhman-brightened; after the sacrifice I stride out; from the sacrifice we disportion him who etc. etc.

32. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, herb-sharpened, sóma-brightened; after the herbs I stride out; from the herbs we disportion him who etc. etc.

Read in b krame (an accent-sign slipped out of place).

33. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, water-sharpened, Varuṇa-brightened; after the waters I stride out; from the waters we disportion him who etc. etc.

Read apó at beginning of b (an accent-sign slipped out of place).

34. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, plowing-sharpened, food-brightened; after plowing I stride out; from plowing we disportion him who etc. etc.

35. Vishṇu's stride art thou, rival-slaying, breath-sharpened, man-(púruṣa-)brightened; after breath I stride out; from breath we disportion him who etc. etc.

⌊Correct the edition: read -saṁçitaḥ for -saçitaḥ.⌋

36. Ours [is] what is conquered, ours what has shot up; I have withstood (abhi-sthā) all fighters, niggards; now do I involve (ni-veṣṭ) the splendor, brightness, breath, life-time of him of such-and-such lineage, son of such-and-such mother; now do I make him fall (pad) downward.

⌊As to the place of this vs. in the general divisions of the hymn and its possible ascription to Mārīca, see the introd. and the Anukr. excerpts above.⌋ With this vs. compare xvi. 8. 1; ⌊also the mantra cited at Kāuç. 47. 22⌋. The vs. reads naturally as 62 syllables (11 + 11: 15 + 13 + 12 = 62), but can be brought by forced resolutions up to a full aṣṭi (64 syll.). Abhy aṣṭhām is by Prāt. ii. 92.

[C. (vss. 37-41). Brahman.—pañca. pratimantroktadevatyāḥ. 37. virāṭ purastādbṛhatī; 38. purāuṣṇih; 39, 41. ārṣī gāyatrī; 40. virāḍ viṣamā gāyatrī.]

37. I turn after the sun's turn (āvṛ́t), after his turn to the right; let it yield (yam) me property; [let] it [yield] me Brahman-splendor.

The verse is quoted in Kāuç. 6. 15, in a parvan ceremony, accompanying a turn to the right (vss. 25-35 were quoted in the next preceding rule). ⌊Cf. also MB. i. 6. 19, where the comm. cites also GGS. ii. 10. 27.⌋