Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/491

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-xix. 32
accent. ⌊The non-elision of a in ahám justifies the count as çakvarī, but hurts the meter, which is none too good if we scan the vs. as 5 × 11.⌋

14. This amulet of udumbára is bound, a hero, to a hero; let it make for us a winning rich in honey, and may it confirm to us wealth having all heroes.

Some of the mss. accent sánim in c. Ppp. reads ucyate for badhyate in b.

32. For long life etc.: with an amulet of darbhá.

[Bhṛgu (saruakāmaḥ. āyuṣe).—daçakam. mantroktadevatyam. ānuṣṭubham: 8. purastādbṛhatī; 9. triṣṭubh; 10. jagatī.]

Found also in Pāipp. xii. The comm. finds the hymn quoted in Nakṣ. K. 19, as used in a mahāçānti ceremony called yāmī, with the binding on of an amulet of darbha, in case of fear of Yama (yamabhaye).

Translated: Griffith, ii. 289; vs. 8 also by Zimmer, p. 205, with comment.

1. Hundred-jointed, hard to be stirred, thousand-leaved, uplifting (?)—the darbhá that is a formidable herb, that I bind on thee in order to [prolonged] life-time.

Some of the mss., as usual, read duçcav- in a. Very nearly all read uttirás in b (p. ut॰tiráḥ), and SPP. follows them; and this the translation implies, since it is acceptable enough ⌊cf., for the formation, uttudás, iii. 25. 1, and, for the meaning, uttirán, vi. 36. 2⌋, and appears in Ppp. (with -rṇam before it); but the comm. has úttaras, as our text by conjectural emendation. Some mss. have tát for tám in d; the comm., tena for taṁ te. ⌊Ppp. combines yograoṣadhis in c, which is susceptible of more than one interpretation.⌋ ⌊The gender of ugrás would seem to call for some remark.⌋

2. His hair they scatter not forth, they smite not blows on their breast [for him], to whom one yields refuge by the darbhá of uncut leaves.

The expression in a is a good example for the real identity of roots vap 'strew' and vap 'shear.' Many of the mss. accent urási in b. All the mss. leave yachati in d unaccented, and both editions commit the error of refraining from emendation to yáchati, which is of course necessary. Ppp. has at end of b ghnatī, and combines in c yasmā ’cch-. Bloomfield translates and comments on the verse in AJP. xi. 339 ⌊or JAOS. xv., p. xlv⌋. The comm. supplies in the first line as subject mṛtyudūtā rakṣaḥpiçācādyā vā, renders pra vapanti by ākarṣanti, and combines urasitāḍam into a compound—all very bad.

3. In the sky is thy tuft, O herb; in the earth art thou set (ni-sthā); with thee, that hast a thousand joints, do we increase further our life-time.

The translation follows the mss., the comm., SPP., and Ppp., all of which read tū́lam in a. ⌊Cf. ii. 7. 3, which perhaps suggested the wrong emendation of the Berlin text.⌋ In b, the comm. has viṣṭhitas ⌊and Ppp. niṣṭhitā⌋.

4. Thou didst bore through the three skies, also these three earths; by thee do I bore into my enemy's (durhā́rd) tongue [and] utterances (vácas).