Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/93

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-ix. 8

17. The demons his blood, the other-folks the contents of his bowels.

Ppp. inverts the order of the two clauses, and reads ūvadhyam.

18. The cloud his fat, the conclusion (? nidhána) his marrow.

In Ppp. this verse follows our 15, and there is added bhūtyāṣ prajāyāṣ paçūnāṁ bhavati ya evaṁ veda.

19. [He is] Agni when sitting, the two Açvins when arisen;

This verse is wanting in Ppp. The metrical definition requires restoration of the a of açvínā.

20. Indra when standing eastward, Yama when standing southward;

21. Dhātar when standing westward, Savitar when standing northward;

The metrical definition requires the resolution dhātā́ údan̄. Read savitā́ (an accent-sign slipped out of place).

22. King Soma when having obtained grass;

The pada-mss. have the false accent pra॰ā́ptaḥ (for prá॰āptaḥ). ⌊Ppp. reads tṛṇān prāptas soma rājā.⌋

23. Mitra when looking, delight (ānandá) when turned this way;

Ppp. unites this verse with the preceding, and inverts the order of the two clauses of this verse, reading rājā ”nṛtā ”nandaḥ īkṣamāṇo mitrāvaruṇo.

24. Belonging to all the gods when being yoked, Prajāpati when yoked, everything (sárvam) when released.

Ppp. reads vāiçvānaras instead of vāiçvadevas.

25. That verily is all-formed, of every form, of kine-form.

Ppp. reads vorūpam for viçvárūpam; ⌊it seems to omit sarvarūpaṁ gorūpam.⌋

26. Cattle all-formed, of every form come unto (upa-sthā) him who knoweth thus.

Ppp. reads upāi ’naṁ rūpaṁṇvataṣ paçavaḥ ⌊intending rūpavantaṣ⌋.

⌊The quoted Anukr. says ṣaḍviṅço brāhmaṇo gavaḥ. The avasānarcas are summed up as 26.⌋

8. Against various diseases.

[Bhṛgvan̄giras.—dvāviṅçakam. ⌊anenasarvaçīrṣāmayādyāmayamapākarot⌋. ānuṣṭubham: 12. anuṣṭuhgarbhā kakummatī 4-p. uṣṇih; 15. virāḍ anuṣṭubh; 21. virāṭ pathyābṛhatī; 22. pathyāpan̄kti.]

Found also (except vs. 4) in Pāipp. xvi. Not noticed in Vāit., but quoted (vs. 1) in Kāuç. 32. 18, in a remedial ceremony. ⌊The last two verses are specified (32. 19) as used "with worship of the sun."⌋

Translated: Zimmer, p. 378; Henry, 105, 141; Griffith, i. 455; Bloomfield, 45, 600.

1. Headache, head-ailment, earache, anæmia (? vilohitá), every head-disease of thine, do we expel out [of thee] by incantation (nir-mantray-).

Ppp. reads in a çīrṣaktyaṁ, and in b tṛtīyakam for vilohitam. ⌊For çīrṣaktí, see references under i. 12. 3.⌋