Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/297

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Index to Autobiography.
  • Bowery, debut on, 66
  • night on, 147
  • Burglarized, 241
  • Business success of author, 244


  • Cannibalism, 171
  • Career (open) ends, 231
  • Cast out of a camp, 121
  • Castration, 197
  • appeal for at nineteen, 74
  • by self meditated, 41
  • effects of, 198 ff., 230
  • Cause of inversion, 18
  • Ceremony of adoration and of enslavement, 98
  • Chance encounters with associates of other self, 162 ff.
  • Child, hypochondriacal and weak, 31
  • Childhood eccentricities, 37
  • pastimes, 36, 37
  • Childlikeness when adult, 14, 44, 119, 189, 248
  • Chronic overwhelming fear, 146
  • Coitus cum puella, 30, 236
  • Coitus (fellatio) a panacea, 82
  • effects of, 82, 90, 92 ff., 243
  • Coitus, methods of, 89 ff.
  • Conflict of my two lives, 129
  • Conflicts of double life, 162
  • Conversation, samples of, 64, 72, 122, 129, 134, 148, 165, 169, 181, 192, 211
  • Convulsions in early childhood, 31
  • Courtmartialled, 229
  • Cured (practically), 235, 245


  • Darkest New York, 154
  • Debut as deliciæ militum, 111
  • as high-class fairie, 122
  • as low-class fairie, 142
  • at Fort X, 191
  • at Fort Y, 202
  • in Fort Z company, 225
  • in Fourteenth Street, 122
  • in Stuyvesant Square, 130
  • on Bowery, 66
  • on Mulberry Street, 71
  • Defecation, incontinence of, 158
  • Depilation, 124
  • Detective arrests, 130
  • Divine ban on celibacy, 161
  • Double-life disclosed, 139, 188
  • reason for, 174
  • Driven to a stripling, 195


  • Eavesdroppers, 152, 168
  • Eekhoud on inversion, 20
  • Effects of fellatio on associates, 88, 89, 194
  • Ejaculations in self, 39, 92, 95, 195, 196, 198
  • Ellis’s theory of inversion, 21
  • Encounters with acquaintances of one life while living out the other, 162 ff.
  • Eradication of facial hair, 124, 202
  • Erotic dreams, 46
  • Ethics of inversion, 23, 45, 52, 56, 67, 81, 105 ff., 139, 142, 190, 194, 247
  • Eunuchs by birth, in India, 69, 117, 155
  • Europe, adventures in, 186 ff.
  • Evening with a gang, 78
  • Expelled from university, 140


  • Fairie apprenticeship, 77 ff.
  • by destiny, 29, 35, 45, 74, 76
  • defined, 7
  • in all communities, 33, 156
  • other, 32, 33, 125, 155
  • qualifications, 119, 120, 189, 209
  • sobriquets, 155
  • Faith-cure tried, 68
  • Farewell to forts, 216
  • Fourteenth Street, 134