Page:Babyhood of Wild Beasts.djvu/126

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'chuck" had been caught in the trap and that he was a black and white one.

We both raced as fast as our short legs would carry us to the battle ground. The sight that met my eyes made me crouch beside a big rock some distance from the sufferer. With both little fore paws pinioned fast in the brutal trap, was a beautiful white and black animal with a lovely waving plume-like tail. His black eyes were dilated with pain and fear and he strggled with all his might to free himself from the thing that was torturing him, but it just wouldn't let go.

The belligerent party arrived on the scene and with a club crept forward to dispatch the animal but he reckoned without his host. As he lifted the club a stream of amber-coloured fluid struck him full in the face. The scent was stifling and terrible. The man, throwing both hands over his face, stumbled to the near-by stream wherein to bathe his burning eyes and clean his face from the stinking, acrid stuff. It was useless to wash his clothing. It never could be used again and a kindly burial was the only thing that remained to be done. With his fighting blood at the boil-