Page:Babyhood of Wild Beasts.djvu/27

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The Pugilist of the Animal Kingdom 126
"Old Boomer," the Great, Grey Kangaroo 126
Mother Kangaroo Takes Baby for a Joy Tide 126
The Mountain Goats are Champion Climbers 136
Only an Eagle or an Aeroplane Could Follow a Fleet-footed Mountain Goat 136
"Dinah," the Baby Gorilla, Takes an Airing in Her Coach 142
This Canada Lynx is All Ready for a Fight 150
He Looks Like a Tabby Cat, but Just Wait! 150
Better Not Tease This Old Llama! 160
Mama Red Fox Brings Her Children Their First Chicken 170
The Dear, Little, Furry, White Baby Fox 170
A Quartet of Fat Lion Cubs 180
"Baby Snyder" and Baby Lions 180
Baby Musk Oxen are Sturdy Youngsters 188
Old Musk Ox Grows Fat on Icicles and Frozen Moss 188
"Little Dick," the Baby Leopard, is Plotting Mischief 196