Page:Bailey - Call Mr Fortune (Dutton, 1921).djvu/195

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The Princess had met her daughter who was not abashed. "Hilda! Why do you do this extraordinary thing?"

And Hilda said quietly, "I wanted to know my father."

"You make us all ridiculous," the Princess cried.

"I don't feel that." Hilda put up her chin.

"May I present Mr. Fortune, ma'am?" Lomas put in.

Reggie bowed. "I am sorry to tell you, madame, that the Prince has had an accident. A fall down the companion. He is in bed. I am waiting for an X-ray to be taken of his arm. But I assure you there is no cause for alarm."

"I am not alarmed," said the Princess. "I wish to see him."

"Certainly. You will not forget that I have told him I represent you."

"It was an impertinence, Mr. Fortune," said the Princess, and swept to the companion. The door of the Prince's cabin was shut on her.

"Jam for the Prince." Reggie made a grimace at Lomas.

"Strictly speaking, what's my locus standi?" said the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department.

"Don't funk, Lomas. I dare say she'll murder him. That's where you come in."

So they were depressed till the return of the anxious Spoleto with his X-ray man. Reggie de