Page:Bailey - Call Mr Fortune (Dutton, 1921).djvu/196

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scended upon the Prince and Princess. She was sitting upon his bed. She was smiling. She kissed her hand to His Highness as she went out.

All which Reggie observed with a face of stone.

"I am infinitely your debtor, Mr. Fortune," His Highness beamed. "You are not married, no?"

"It becomes every day less probable," said Reggie grimly.

"One never knows the beauty of a woman's nature till one is suffering," said His Highness.

The X-rays were put to work on the arm, and the operator and Reggie went off to the yacht's dark room. As the plate came out, "I see no injury, Mr. Fortune," the operator complained.

"Fancy that," said Reggie.

Outside the dark room the Princess was impatiently waiting. "Well, Mr. Fortune?"

"Well, madame, there will be no need of an operation."

The Princess frowned at him. "I suppose I am much obliged to you, Mr. Fortune. I wish to hear more of your part in the affair."

Reggie, he has confessed, trembled. The Princess swept on. She opened the door of the music-room. She revealed Hilda and Spoleto. Hilda was being vehemently kissed.

Reggie fled. Professional instinct, he explains, took him back to his patient. "I am very pleased to tell you, sir, that there is no serious injury to the