Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/350

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"All right," said Tempest. "It's rocky along here, and we can't see where we are going, so don't be surprised if we have to swim for it all of a sudden."

More by good fortune than by good management they escaped piling the boat up, and, sure enough, Jim piloted them to a sheltered cove.

"'Pon my word, I believe we 've caught him napping, Dave," Tempest said as they approached the beach.

"There's no sign of anybody," agreed the boy, eagerly scanning the shore.

They were within fifty yards—forty—thirty.


A little spurt of light flashed out and a bullet sang its way over their heads.

Tempest ground his teeth. Had he been alone he would have made a dash for it. Reluctantly he put the helm over and swung the boat away again.

"That is one extra thump in the ribs he will get from me when we do meet," he said bitterly.