Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/351

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"Hang me if I know what we are going to do now! We can't mess about like this indefinitely."

"He certainly has got us in a corner," said the boy.

"It is a corner we have got to wriggle out of, somehow," observed Tempest. "I think I 've got a scheme that will work, though. It seems to me the only way. Desperate situations demand desperate measures. Dave, I want you to stop in the Nautilus whatever happens until I tell you to come ashore. I'm going to swim to the beach."

"And what then?"

"I 'll deal with Flagg once I get on dry land with him. We 'll go round to the lagoon, where the wreck is. That is the best place."

"But he 'll shoot you the moment he sets eyes on you."

"He 'll probably try to, but I'm going to take the risk. I may be able to take him off his guard."

"Um rain pretty soon, pretty hard," said the