Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/216

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in protesting, though I would not sell you out because I am practically selling out Stranleigh, but I am showing you what is much more to the point—that if I attempted to betray you there are no buyers. Now are you satisfied?"

"Yes, that's the way I like to hear a man talk. That's business. On my part I give you my word that Lord Stranleigh will not be injured in the least. What I intend to do is this, and if you help me to carry it out, your recompense will not stop at the ten thousand pounds, be assured of that, for there is a lot of money in my plan."

Hazel's eyes glittered.

"Let's hear about it," he said.

"The moment you've got Lord Stranleigh out at sea the prospectus of the Honduras Central Rubber Company will be offered to the public. Capital, one million pounds, chairman of the board of directors, Lord Stranleigh of Wychwood."

"Ah," said Hazel, with a long-drawn breath. "What good will that do you? As soon as Stranleigh sets foot on land he will telegraph that he has nothing to do with the concern, and then, it seems to me, the police may take a hand."

"Before Lord Stranleigh reaches the land I, Isador Isaacstein, will have contradicted the announcement in the prospectus. I shall be in Frankfort on the day the advertisement appears in all the newspapers and the prospectus is in the hands of the brokers. Two days will have passed before