Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/217

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my disclaimer appears. I shall telegraph from Frankfort that Lord Stranleigh's name appearing on the prospectus is the result of a mistake. I will show how that mistake occurred, admit that I had hoped and endeavoured to get Lord Stranleigh's co-operation, and wind up by maintaining that the Honduras property is worth many times what is asked for it."

"If you do all that, then what good can result from your unauthorised use of Lord Stranleigh's name?"

"My dear boy, you don't understand City finance. This is what will happen. The moment Stranleigh's name appears on the prospectus we'll have our million subscribed several times over. The money will be all in our hands. Very well. When I announce that Lord Stranleigh's name had no right on that prospectus the stock will immediately fall. My emissaries in London will buy it up."

"But, my dear sir, you will have received the money under false pretences, and will be compelled to return the money."

"Oh, I know that, I know that. But, don't you see, people will become panic-stricken. They won't wait for the slow process of the law which is to give them back their money, and they'll at once believe that no money will be refunded. A great majority of them will fling their stock instantly on the market, determined to realise what-