Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/218

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ever they can on it. That stock my people will purchase, and at once those who sold are out of the running. They have no further claim. Those who, stand by their legal rights shall, of course, have their money returned in full. I expect, as a result of the appeal, to receive at least working capital to develop the Honduras property, and perhaps several hundred thousand pounds extra as the difference between the twenty-five shillings I get for each pound share, for I am going to float the stock at a premium of five shillings in the pound. Nothing catches your gullible public like that. If you offer them pound shares at fifteen shillings they won't touch them, but offer them pound shares at twenty-five shillings and they fall over each other to get at the stock. They argue that it must be a good thing, otherwise we would not dare put it at a premium when floating the company. Well, as I was saying, the difference between the two-and-six at which we'll buy those shares for which twenty-five shillings have been paid will result anywhere from a hundred thousand pounds to half a milion. Lord Stranleigh's name will have been withdrawn, and when he lands he will find that there is nothing to be done. He won't be hurt, and so he'll do nothing. The money will have been returned at once to those who demand it, whereas those who sold in a panic will, as I have said, be out of the run-