Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/112

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106 Also (amoDg the smaller works), A Treatise on Inflwx — ^The Ziast Judgmoit-— The Earths in the UniTersa— The Doctrine of the Lord— The Doctrine of the Baared Scripture — The Doctrine of Faith — ^The Doctrine of Charity — ^The Doctrine of Life— The "White Horse — A Brief Bxposition of tiie Doc- trines of the New Church— The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine. Ihe Publications of the Society may also be had at the following places, and of the persons here named : MAINEL — William Babtlktt, Bangor; Oliyxb Gkrbibh, Portland ; Ellas Dayis, Gardiner. MASSACHUSETTS. — GiLBKBT Hawub, Lynn; Ltmam Clabk, North Bridgewater. CONNECTICUT.— J. A. Lamb, Mystie. NEW YORK. — ^Benj. G. Fkbrd, Ithaca ; Ltmam Stxybms, Syracuse. PENNSYLVANIA —BoEBicKB A Tafil, Philadelphia; Henbt HiGBT, Pittsburg. OHIO. — C. S. EAUTMAKir, K Mbndxnhall, Cincinnati ; Bey. J. P. Stuabt, Dr. Joseph Howblu, Urbana; J. H. Williams, St ClairsviUe. MICEUGAN.—JoHN Ellis, J. A Rots, Detroit. ILLINOIS.«J. R. Hibbabd, Chicago. WISCONSIN.—Robbbt duLDBXir, Lancaster KENTUCKY.— James Folton, Louisville. MARYLAND.— W. H. Horxunr, Baltimore. VIRGINIA — RioBABD RioHn, Petersburg. SOUTH CAROLINA.— W. B. Baboook, Jamu H. Maowood, Charleston. GEORGIA— J. P. Collins, Sayannah. LOUISIANA.— J. B. Steele, New Orleans. -♦♦- Also, for sale, at the Printing and Publishing Society's Depository in the Bible House, Barrett's Works — ^Lectures on the Doctrines of the New Chureh, 75 cts; Brief Sketch of the Life, Character, and Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, 10 ct&, or $5 per 100; The Golden Reed, |1; Beauty lor Ashe ii twsibiiu^ 06 ee wt e | ■ tit s b a d)