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107 FOR SALE BT OTIS CLAPP, HO. 8 BEACOH STBEET, BOSTON, ALL THE TEEOLOeiClL AAD gCIENTIFIC WORKS OF SWEDENBORG; ALSO, CLOWES' "WORKS.— Four Gospels ; Sennong on the Beatitudes; Ten Virgins ; Marriage of the King's Son, $2 ; Lord's Prayer and Ten Com- mandments ; Deliyerance of the Israelites ; Miscellaneous ; Preached at St. John's ; Clowes' Memoirs ; Psalms ; Mediums ; Seienoa ; Sacra- ment; Two Worlds; Letters to Grundy; Letters to Roby; Oppo- sites; Christian Temper; Twelve Hours; Delights; Memorialists; Dialogue of Sophron and Fhiladelphus, 12^ cts. ; Golden Wedding Ring, gilt, 6 cts., stitehed, 8 cts. HINDMARSH'S WORKS.— Letters to Priestley, |1 ; Resurrection^ $2 ; Lamb Slain, &e, ; Compendium to True Christian Religion, 6S cts. ; Church of England Weighed. NOBLE'S WORKS.— Plenary Inspiration, 8Y cts. ; Appeal in Behalf of the New Church, $1 ; Lectures, 8vo. ; Plurality of Worlds ; Ser- mons on Praises of the Lord, 18f cts. ; A Case of Entrance into the New Church, ISfcts. T. GOYDER'S WORKS.— Key to Knowledge ; Glimmerings of Light; Spiritual Gleanings. CLISSOLD'S WORKS.— Illustrations of the End of the Church ; I YoL Syo, 612 pagea. Letter on the Practical Nature of the New Church Doctrines ; cambric, 62^ cts., stitched, 50 cts. Apocalypti- cal Interpretation, 2 yo1& Letter to Bon well; 12^ cts. The New ChuToh, a Refutation, Ac; 12^ cts.