Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/75

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who grow up to years of maturity on earth, may become as perfect as the state of infants who grow up in heaven, provided they remove corporeal and terrestrial loves,—which are the loves of self and the world,—and in their place receive spiritual loves."—H. H., 331, 332, 345.

Thus, the lot of infants and of all little children in the spiritual world, is altogether preferable to the lot of those in this world. They are in far better company, and under far better influences, there, than here. All their spiritual wants are better provided for; for the angels who have the care of them are much wiser than even the wisest and best of earthly parents, and love them with a purer spiritual affection, that is, with an affection which looks more steadily at their eternal well-being. Thus, through the guidance and instruction of their good guardian angels, they are kept continually under the more immediate auspices of the Lord, and protected against those manifold debasing influences which surround so many little children in this lower sphere. Here, the moral atmosphere which our little ones are compelled to breathe, is polluted more or less with the pernicious taint of sin: There, they breathe the healthful and balmy air of heaven; no blasting mildew, no foul breath from hell, is suffered to fall upon them. Here, their hearts often become cankered, and their feelings callous, through harshness, injustice and cruelty: There, unspeakable kindness, tenderness and forbearance, meet them at every turn. So wisely and tenderly are they governed, that their hereditary evils remain dormant—