Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/78

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they are transferred to another heaven, where they are instructed by masters; and so they proceed.

"Infants are instructed principally by representatives suited to their capacities, which, in beauty and fulness of wisdom derived from an interior ground, exceed all belief. Thus intelligence, which derives its soul from good, is insinuated into them by degrees.

"The Lord also flows into the ideas of infants chiefly from inmost principles, for nothing closes their ideas, like those of adults. No false principles obstruct their understanding of truth, nor does the life of evil obstruct their reception of good, and thus their reception of wisdom. Hence it is evident, that infants do not come immediately after death into the angelic state, but that they are gradually introduced into it by the knowledges of good and truth; and that this introduction is according to all heavenly order: for the minutest particulars of their natural disposition are known to the Lord, and therefore they are led to receive truths of good and goods of truth according to every movement of their affection.

"In what manner all things are insinuated into them by delights and pleasantnesses suited to their temper, has been also shown to me. It was granted me to see little children most elegantly clothed, having their breasts adorned with garlands of flowers resplendent with the most pleasing and celestial colors, which also encircled their tender arms. On one occasion I saw some children with their instructresses accompanied by virgins in a paradisiacal garden, not consisting so much of ornamental trees, as of laurel espaliers, and thus of porticoes with paths conducting towards the interior parts. The children themselves were clothed in the manner above mentioned, and when they entered the garden, the clustering flowers above the entrance shot forth glad radiance. From this may be inferred the peculiar quality of their delights, and