Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/79

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that they are introduced by agreeable and delightful objects into the goods of innocence and charity, which goods are continually insinuated from the Lord by those mediums.

"It was shown me by a mode of communication familiar in the other life, what is the nature of the ideas of infants when they see any objects. Every object, even the most minute, appears to be alive, and therefore in every idea of infantile thought there is life. I also perceived that the ideas of infants on earth are nearly the same, when they are engaged in their little pastimes; for they do not yet possess reflection, like adults, so as to distinguish the inanimate from the living."—H. H., 334, '5, '6, '7, '8.

But it must not be supposed that infants, after their removal to the other world, remain infants, nor that children remain children, throughout eternity. Such is not the case. They advance to the full stature of manhood there, the same as here, but more rapidly. They grow by the constant accretion of the substances of the spiritual world, just as children on earth grow by the constant accretion of material substances; for the bodies of all in the other world are formed of the substances of that world, which are spiritual, as the bodies which invest our spirits while in the flesh, are formed of the substances of the material world. But they do not grow old there as here. They do not advance beyond the period of early manhood, but retain for ever the freshness, bloom and beauty, which belong to that period. But in order that they may receive angelic life in all fulness, in order that their human faculties may be unfolded, strengthened and