Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/90

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boasting is as contrary to the good of mutual love, as it is contrary to the truth of faith."—H. H., 341, 342.

It sometimes happens that parents feel like murmuring when their children are removed to the spiritual world. It seems to them like an act of unkindness—almost of cruelty—in the Lord, thus to blight their fondest hopes, and wring their hearts with anguish. But it seems so only when they contemplate the event under the influence of natural affection, and in the obscurity of the natural mind. Viewed in the crystal light of heaven, and under the influence of heavenly feelings, it seems quite otherwise. For the light of spiritual truth makes it plain, that the removal of little children to the other world, is no less an act of tender love and mercy, than their birth into this world. It is an act of mercy alike to them and to their parents, however much pain their removal may cause the latter. For the Lord's end in the creation of the universe, was none other than a heaven of angels from the human race; and all who depart this life in infancy and childhood, are sure to attain the great end of their creation. Then how much of sickness and sorrow, of disappointment, and trial, and sore bereavement, do those escape, who are called away in the spring-time of life! And how consoling to all spiritually-minded parents, must be the reflection, that they have been instrumental, under the Divine Providence, in adding one or more to the kingdom of heaven! It is not permitted to