Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/91

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finite beings to perform a higher or nobler use than this. Our children are a heritage from the Lord. They are not ours but a sacred trust committed to us by our heavenly Father to be trained for His heavenly kingdom. And whenever it is our Father's good pleasure to call them to his more immediate presence, we should hold ourselves ready to surrender the trust, and suffer them to go without a murmur: agreeably to the divine declaration, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." We should feel grateful for the high privilege conferred on us of doing so much to enlarge the boundaries of the heavenly kingdom. We should think not of what we have lost, but of what heaven has gained. We should call to mind, whatever of comfort, joy, and peace, has been vouchsafed us, whatever of true parental feeling has been enkindled within us, whatever of kindness, gentleness, tenderness and patience has been called into active exercise, whatever of pure angelic love has been made known to us through the ministry of our dear departed ones; and for all this we should cherish a feeling of devout thankfulness to Him, from whom cometh every good and every perfect gift. In this way our souls, closed against the thoughts and feelings which come from beneath, and which incline us ever to grieve and murmur, will be opened to those that descend from above, and be brought into blissful union with the Lord and the angels. Then shall we experience some of the blessing and comfort promised