Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/99

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affections so fixed on heavenly things, that the love of heaven will shine forth in all our looks, words, and actions. Then shall we be able to lead our children by their affections, as the angels do. We must guard them as much as possible from all corrupting influences, and from whatever is calculated to call forth or excite their evils. We should earnestly strive to keep around them such a heavenly sphere, as will quicken and develop all their good affections, and stifle all the bad.

Such is some of the instruction to be derived from the New doctrine on this subject. And how it enforces upon us the importance and duty of endeavoring to make the home of our children a little heaven here below! How it entreats us not to permit any thing that "defileth, or worketh abomination, or maketh a lie," ever to enter there! All harshness and severity of judgment, all angry looks, resentful feelings, and evil speaking, all impatience, discontent, discord and moroseness, should be banished thence as so many malignant fiends. The domestic altar should be shielded from every taint of sin as from a wasting pestilence;—swept of every evil wish and word as of the seeds of death. Ever should it be as the Holy of Holies, where resteth the ark of God's covenant, where innocence and peace go hand in hand, and all is encircled with religion and love as with beautiful shining robes.

This heavenly instruction is plainly suggested by the New doctrine we have been considering—by the