Page:Bengal Fairy Tales.djvu/136

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Father, I do not seek the grandeurs of the palace, let me dwell in a hut, but permit me to serve you."

Whereupon the king cried out, "Mother! foolishly have I persecuted you. Forget it, and grace my palace with your presence."

But Malancha excused herself saying that before being shut up in the palace she must visit her uncle and aunt, the tiger and the tigress, and her friend the malini. It would be ungrateful not to tell them how happy the king, her father-in-law, had made her.

To this the king gave his consent. "But return soon," he implored her, "and in the meantime I will garnish my kingdom in your honour. Bring your uncle and aunt back with you." Saying so, he left for home, and Malancha for the habitation of the tigers. They were pining at her absence, but on seeing her their hearts overflowed with joy. She told them of her good fortune, and invited them to her father-in-law's. They promised to come with her, and after appointing a day for their departure, she sped to the malini's. The poor creature had missed her greatly. Fortune had proved unkind to her after the departure of her guests, and she had often sobbed out their names. At the sight of Malancha, she was in a transport of joy, and they embraced each other with assurances of lasting friendship. The malini was then informed of her guest's good fortune, and asked to accompany her to her husband's home.

Malancha visited the neighbouring palace, deserted and partially destroyed, and weeping bitterly in pity, lit seven lamps with ghee and prayed fervently to the powers of heaven for the resuscitation of the king, queen, and their seven sons, and their restoration to their former grandeur. Her prayers were heard, and having completed her good offices there, she returned to her country with the tiger, the tigress and the malini. But her work was not yet finished. She succeeded in making the tank where her mother had drowned herself to disgorge her fresh with life and energy, and with her as well