Page:Bengal Fairy Tales.djvu/137

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as her friends she repaired to her father-in-law's palace and was received with loud acclamations as the first wife of her husband. The kotál, her father, was also brought back to life. In order to make amends for his wrongs, he was given by the king half of his kingdom, and he passed his days in great happiness.

Raja Dudhbaran, who had followed Malancha, then took his farewell; but he did not omit making very sincere acknowledgments of the manifold benefits she had showered upon him. His daughter became sincerely attached to Malancha and permitted her to share with her the company of her husband. The kotál's daughter, once the object of bitter persecution, became the sole mistress of the kingdom, and nothing was done without her approval. Not only did the royal family enjoy peace and happiness, but the whole kingdom resounded with her praise: "Malanchamala, goddess in human shape, abide with us for ever and ever."