Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/37

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Radha is the eternal Object by and through which Shree Krishna realises His conscious- ness or rational being. Shree Krishna is similarly the eternal Enjoyer, and Shree Radha is the eternal Object in and through whom Shree Krishna realises His emotional being. Similarly, Shree Krishna is Eternal Will, and Shree Radha is the eternal Object upon whom Shree Krishna works His will and thus realises his volitional being. This, briefly, is the realisation of Bengal Yaishna- vism of the nature of the Ultimate Reality.

This Ultimate Reality or Shree Krishna is not without form or nirakara, but as Shree Chaitanya declared, chidakara. Chidakara is distinguished, on the one side, from material or sensusus form and, on the other side, from nirakara or no form. There is a great deal of confusion in most minds regarding this con- cept form or akara in Sanskrit. Most people think that akara or form must be material and sensuous, and as they cannot, very cor- rectly no doubt, conceive of the Ultimate Reality as having a material form, they rush to the conclusion that the Supreme Being must necessarily be nirakara or without any form whatever. This is what our own Sam- kara-Vedantic thought has done. This is also