Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/71

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66 BENGAL VAISHNAVI8M has reached this goal, lives in. perpetual consciousness of the Divine Presence. All his senses realise Him in all their objects and activities. The eye sees His rupam in all visible objects ; the ear hears His shavda in every sound ; and so on and so forth. The mind is possessed absolutely by thought of Him. This is the union of consciousness or jnana-yoga. But this consciousness of the presence of the Lord in all things and in all thoughts necessarilj’^ provoke desire or passion to enjoy Him. And this desire with equal necessity leads to the complete merging of the self of the devotee into the Self of the Divine. When this union of consciousness and the union of desire or emotion is realised, then necessarily follows the complete merging of the will of the devotee into the Will of his Deity. He works not from any self-regarding motive, but from passion for fulfilling the Will of his Lord. This is one aspect of karma-yoga. Another as[)ect of it is that the devotee, when he has attained this com- plete union in consciousness, in emotions and in will with his Lord, he out of sheer joy throws himself into imitating his Lord or more accurately the sport or leela of his Lord in his own life. In this realisation the devotee