Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/72

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THE BENGAL BHAKTI CULT 67 fills his whole world with the instruments of the leela of the Lord. His own mother becomes then the symbol of the eternally realised Motherhood of the Lord. His own father becomes the manifestation of the eternally realised Fatherhood of God. These earthly relations of ours exist eternally realised in the very Being of Bhagavan as contents of that Being. All these earthly relations become in the consciousness of the devotee representations of their eternally realised prototype in the Being of the Lord, or His manifestations here below. P'ather, mother, brother, sister, friend and lover, all become to the devotee, who has attained this high state of Bhakti, instruments and revelations of the Love of God. Social enjoy- rnents and service thus become enjoyment and service of the Lord Himself In the realisations of the Bengal Bhakti school Bhagavan or the Lord Shree Krishna has been revealed as , which means the eternal embodiment of all ms«-s.