Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/52

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tō þǣm hēah-selehilde geþinged,
siððan hīe sunnan lēohtgesēon [ne][1] meahton,
oþðe nīpendeniht ofer ealle,
650scadu-helma gesceapuscrīðan cwōman,
wan under wolcnum.Werod eall ārās;
grētte þā[2]guma ōþerne,
Hrōðgār Bēowulf,ond him hǣl ābēad,
wīn-ærnes *geweald,ond þæt word ācwæð:Fol. 145a.
655“Nǣfre ic ǣnegum menǣr ālȳfde,
siþðan ic hond ond rondhebban mihte,
ðrȳþ-ærn Denabūton þē nū ðā.
Hafa nū ond gehealdhūsa sēlest,
gemyne mǣrþo,mægen-ellen cȳð,
660waca wið wrāþum.Ne bið þē wilna gād,
gif þū þæt ellen-weorcaldre gedīgest.”


Ða him Hrōðgār gewātmid his hæleþa gedryht,
eodur Scyldinga,ūt of healle;
wolde wīg-frumaWealhþēo sēcan,
665cwēn tō gebeddan.Hæfde kyning[a][3] wuldor
Grendle tō-gēanes,swā guman gefrungon,

  1. 648. Thorpe’s simple emendation, ‘[ne],’ is now generally adopted. Bugge proposed, in addition, to regard oþðe (l. 649) as equivalent to ond, as in l. 2475, and the suggestion is adopted by Heyne. Earle defends the usual meaning or: “There is something of alternative between twilight and the dead of night.”
  2. 652. Grein-Wülcker complete the first half line by ‘[glædmōd],’ Heyne by ‘[giddum].’
  3. 665. MS. ‘kyning,’ at end of line; there is room for an a, but no trace of one.