Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/196

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Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Indole not produced.

Ammonia produced.

Methyl red negative; acetylmethylcarbinol not produced.

Acid but no gas from glucose, lactose, sucrose, mannitol and salicin.

Optimum temperature, 31° C. Source: Isolated from leaf spot of Xanthium strumarium in India. Habitat: Pathogenic on Xanthium strumarium.

49. Xanthomonas gummisudans (Mc-Culloch, 1924) Starr and Burkholder, 1942. (Bacterium gummisudans McCulloch, Phytopath., 14, 1924, 63; also see Jour. Agr. Res., 27, 1924, 229; Starr and Burkholder, Phytopath., 32, 1942, 600.)

gum. 'dans. L. gummi gum; L. v. sudo to sweat, exude; M.L. part. adj. gummisudans exuding gum.

Rods 0.6 to 0.8 by 1.0 to 2.8 microns.

Encapsulated. Motile with a single polar flagellum. Gram-negative.

Gelatin: Liquefied.

Beef-peptone agar colonies: Amber-yellow, circular, transparent, smooth, with definite margins.

Broth: Moderately turbid with a yellow ring.

Milk: Soft curd which is digested with formation of tyrosine crystals.

Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Indole not produced.

Hydrogen sulfide produced.

Lipolytic (Starr and Burkholder, loc. cit.).

Acid from glucose and sucrose.

Temperature relations: Optimum, 30° C. Minimum, 2° C. Maximum, 36° C.


Source: From gummy lesions on gladiolus leaves.

Habitat: Pathogenic on leaves of gladioli.

50. Xanthomonas nigromaculans (Takimoto, 1927) Dowson, 1943 (Bacterium nigromaculans Takimoto, Jour. Plant Protect., Tokyo, 14, 1927, 522; Dowson, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc, 26, 1943, 12.)'cu.lans. L. niger black; L. v. maculo to spot; M.L. part. adj. nigromaculans spotting with black.

Description translated by Dr. K. Togashi.

Rods 0.6 to 0.9 by 1.5 to 2.8 microns.

Motile with 1 or 2 polar fiagella. Gram negative.

Gelatin: Liquefied.

Agar colonies: Yellow, circular, entire, smooth, glistening.

Broth: Growth moderate with yellow pellicle.

Milk: Coagulation and digestion of the casein.

Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Indole not produced.

No acid or gas from glucose, sucrose, lactose, mannitol or glycerol in peptone water.

Temperature relations: Optimum, between 27° and 28° C. Minimum, 0° C. Maximum, 33° C.


Comment : A forma specialis that is pathogenic on Zinnia spp. has been described (Hopkins and Dowson, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc, 32, 1949, 253).

Source: Isolated from lesions on leaf and petioles of burdock.

Habitat: Pathogenic on leaves and petioles of Arctium lappa, the burdock.

51. Xanthomonas axonopodis Starr and Garces, 1950. (Xanthomonas axonoperis (sic) Starr and Garces, Rev. Fac. Nal. de Agron. de Medellin, 12, 1950, 75.)

ax.on.o' Gr. noun axon axis; Gr. noun pous foot; M.L. mas.n. Axonopus generic name of a grass; M.L. gen. noun axonopodis of Axonopus.

Rods 0.4 by 1.0 to 3.0 microns. Encapsulated. Motile by means of a single polar flagellum. Gram negative.

Gelatin: Not liquefied.

Yeast extract agar: Growth slow; small, yellow colonies appear in 7 days.

Peptone sucrose agar: Growth slow; yellow colonies 1 mm in diameter appear in 7 days.

Potato-glucose agar: No growth.

Broth: Slight turbidity in two days; slimy pellicle in 2 weeks. Yellowish ring produced.

Milk: Litmus not reduced.

Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Indole not produced.